Georgia Congressman Andrew Clyde Joins The ‘Repeal DC Home Rule Act’ Bandwagon

June 15th, 2022

Patrice Snow
[email protected]

Washington, DC – During today’s House Committee on Oversight and Reform markup of Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton’s bill to allow the District of Columbia to transmit legislation to Congress for the review period electronically, Georgia Congressman Andrew Clyde used his time to call for repealing the Home Rule Act, saying DC was “a failed experiment.” In light of Rep. Clyde’s comments, DC Vote Communications Director Patrice Snow released the following statement:

“Earlier this year, Reps. Kevin McCarthy of California and James Comer of Kentucky began rolling out a plan to repeal the DC Home Rule Act if they were to win power during the November elections. At the time I remarked that ‘the history of DC shows that each and every time DC Home Rule has been threatened or removed, racism was at the core. And now, true to form, certain members of Congress are using the backdrop of Black History Month to announce proposals to hold DC local elected officials to a different standard than any other jurisdiction in the country.’ 

Now earlier today, during a House Committee on Oversight and Reform hearing and only days before Juneteenth celebrations begin, Georgia Rep. Andrew Clyde was beating the dream even louder on repealing the Home Rule Act for the District, going so far as calling DC ‘a failed experiment.’ The question for Congressman Clyde is what exactly is failing about the District of Columbia? Is it the 700,000 Americans who pay more taxes than twenty other states? Or is it the decades of balanced budgets and a police force that saved the Capitol during the January 6th riot? Washingtonians have come too far in their fight for equality to go back now and they, like the Americans Congressman Clyde represents in Congress, deserve a say on issues facing the country. The only way that can be accomplished is through Statehood.”
